Kentucky Bluegrass

  • Creeping cool seasonal grass
  • Very dark green colour
  • No winter dormancy
  • Shade tolerant
  • HGT - Healthy Grass Technology
  • Perfect for fairways

What to use where:

  • Sport fields
  • Shady areas
  • Fairways
  • Putting greens
Seeding rate:
Blue Grasses

Bluegrasses are the most widely used perennial turf grass in temperate and subarctic climates. The most distinguishing vegetative features of bluegrasses are the boat-shaped leaf tip and the parallel light lines occurring on either side of the central vein of the leaf blade. Adapted to well-drained, moist, neutral to slightly acid, fertile soils on sunny or slightly shaded sites.

Bluegrasses are the most widely used perennial turf grass in temperate and subarctic climates. The most distinguishing vegetative features of bluegrasses are the boat-shaped leaf tip and the parallel light lines occurring on either side of the central vein of the leaf blade...

Bluegrasses are the most widely used perennial turf grass in temperate and subarctic climates. The most distinguishing vegetative features of bluegrasses are the boat-shaped leaf tip and the parallel light lines occurring on either side of the central vein of the leaf blade. Adapted to well-drained, moist, neutral to slightly acid, fertile soils on sunny or slightly shaded sites.