Sweet Clover


(Melilotus alba)

Melilotus alba is a perennial legume sometimes grown for forage. It is well adapted to a wide range of soils, but not acidic soils. Sweet white clover is tolerant of alkaline and saline soils. It is characterised by a rapid growth rate, which slows down after defoliation, and its upright growth habit.

A well-cultivated, uniform and firm seed bed is required for good results. Seed is usually drilled or broadcasted. The optimum planting depth is 15-20 mm with good seed-soil contact. It has a high nutritive value during its vegetative growth stage when grazed, at its pre-flowering stage for silage, and at its earlyflowering stage for hay. It is favoured for honey production and for its nitrogen fixing ability while preparing agricultural soil for future crops.

Seeding rate (pure):
Seeding rate (mixtures):