
Weeping Lovegrass

(Eragrostis curvula)

Weeping lovegrass is mostly utilised as a hay crop, performing best in summer rainfall areas that receive 650 mm/year or more. It is widely adapted but prefers sandy soils. Its quality is dependent on the fertility of the soil, therefore fertilisation is the key to good quality fodder production. Where it is utilized as a pasture it is best to graze it early in the season, seeing that the quality and quantity decreases later in season. In areas where frost occurs the grass normally dies back, regrowing early spring.

• Establish: October/November or February/March
• The seedbed should be fine, firm and free of weeds – due to its seed being very small
• The seedbed should be rolled before and after seeding
• Use Teff (4-6kg/ha) with Eragrostis where weeds are a problem but then an early cut is essential

Hay production
• To ensure a high protein content it should be cut before it flowers
• For a higher DM yield it should be cut later but not later than early flowering
• Take not of its leaf stage to ensure the highest CP, digestibility and intake


Ermelo is the most popular variety being used in South Africa, especially in the colder summer rainfall areas. It can survive severe frost and will grow on almost any soil, even on sandy soils with a low pH. It prefers higher rainfall areas, but does not adapt well to wet, waterlogged soils.


Seeding rate (uncoated)
Seeding rate (coated)
Weeping Lovegrass

Weeping lovegrass is mostly utilised as a hay crop, performing best in summer rainfall areas that receive 650 mm/year or more. It is widely adapted but prefers sandy soils. Its quality is dependent on the fertility of the soil, therefore fertilisation is the key to good quality fodder production. Where it is utilized as a pasture it is best to graze it early in the season, seeing that the quality and quantity decreases later in season. 

Weeping lovegrass is mostly utilised as a hay crop, performing best in summer rainfall areas that receive 650 mm/year or more. It is widely adapted but prefers sandy soils. Its quality is dependent on the fertility of the soil, therefore fertilisation is the key to good quality...

Weeping lovegrass is mostly utilised as a hay crop, performing best in summer rainfall areas that receive 650 mm/year or more. It is widely adapted but prefers sandy soils. Its quality is dependent on the fertility of the soil, therefore fertilisation is the key to good quality fodder production. Where it is utilized as a pasture it is best to graze it early in the season, seeing that the quality and quantity decreases later in season.