- Upright in its growth habit
- A low bloat risk
- Suited to a range of soil types providing they are well drained and have a pH of 5.0 to 7.0
- Very sensitive to red-legged earth mite attacks as a seedling
- Intolerant of water logging
- Very slow to establish with little winter growth
- The seed should be sown in autumn into a well prepared, weed free seedbed
- The seed is small and seedlings are slow to establish. Arrowleaf clover is very sensitive to being sown too deep (10mm)

Zulu ll
Arrowleaf Clover
(Trifolium vesiculsum)
- Upright in its growth habit
- A low bloat risk
- Very slow to establish
- Little winter growth

Annual clovers are commonly used in South Africa and predominantly in the winter rainfall areas. These seasonal species have the ability to produce good quality feed under dry land or semi-irrigated areas where cereals used to be the norm. They are widely adapted to most soil types and being a legumes needs to be inoculated with Rhizobium bacteria.
Annual clovers are commonly used in South Africa and predominantly in the winter rainfall areas. These seasonal species have the ability to produce good quality feed under dry land or semi-irrigated areas where cereals used to be the norm. They are widely adapted to most soil...
Annual clovers are commonly used in South Africa and predominantly in the winter rainfall areas. These seasonal species have the ability to produce good quality feed under dry land or semi-irrigated areas where cereals used to be the norm. They are widely adapted to most soil types and being a legumes needs to be inoculated with Rhizobium bacteria.